Richard Libra
Executive Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer
Rick Libra was appointed chief nuclear officer at Southern Nuclear in April 2023, having served as senior vice president of Operations since joining the company in October 2019. Rick leverages more than 35 years of experience in the commercial nuclear power industry to support Southern Nuclear's fleet. His extensive background includes expertise with both boiling water reactors (BWR) and pressurized water reactors (PWR), and his efforts have led to five consecutive INPO excellence awards at two separate plants.
Prior to joining Southern Nuclear, Libra served as site vice president of Exelon Generation's Limerick Generating Station, acting as chief executive of the plant overseeing all plant operations. His leadership and direction ensured the safe, reliable operation of the plant and enforced its high standards of performance.
Libra began his career in the U.S. Navy and has served in multiple leadership roles at plants and corporate offices across the country, including Columbia Generating Station, Fermi Nuclear Generating Station and notably, as site vice president for Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station.
Libra holds a master's degree in engineering management from Washington State University and a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from Johns Hopkins University. He earned a Senior Reactor Operator certification at Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station and a management development certification at the University of Michigan School of Business.
Libra is a past chairman of the Boiling Water Reactor Vessel Inspection Program and the BWR Owners' Group executive committees. Libra is a past board member for the Nuclear Power Advisory Board at Pennsylvania State University, the Lower Dauphin County Communities That Care and the Tri-County Chamber of Commerce.