At Plant Farley, safety is our number one priority. Of all the things we do, we are first and foremost committed to ensuring the safety and health of our plant employees and neighbors. We have comprehensive emergency plans in place – in partnership with local, state and federal agencies – that prepare for the unexpected and provide layer upon layer of redundant safety features.
Another way we work to keep you safe is by making sure you know exactly how to respond in the unlikely event of a plant emergency. Please familiarize yourself with Plant Farley's emergency information to ensure you’re prepared to protect yourself and your family. We encourage you to bookmark this page on your mobile device. Use these tools to ensure you know how to react in the event of an emergency. Safety is our first value at Southern Nuclear and your family's safety is our priority.
CodeRED Emergency Notification System
The CodeRED Emergency Notification System may be utilized to contact residents by phone in the event of an emergency. It is also available as an app on your smart phone. For additional information, visit OnSolve's CodeRed.
If you reside within the 10-mile emergency planning zone of one of our nuclear facilities, please visit your respective site to learn about information sources, checklists, emergency routes and reception centers.
Farley Emergency Information Packet (PDF)
Our annual emergency information packet provides the comprehensive information you need to respond safely and quickly. In coordination with our local emergency management agencies, we ensure you have all of the information you need in one handy location.
Who is Involved in the Emergency Plan?
State and local government agencies have plans to protect you if there is an emergency at Plant Farley. Organizations involved in emergency planning are:
- Dothan/Houston County Emergency Management Agency
- Henry County Emergency Management Agency
- Blakely/Early County Emergency Management Agency
- Alabama Emergency Management Agency
- Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency
- Alabama Department of Public Health, Office of Radiation Control
- Georgia Department of Natural Resources
- Alabama and Georgia Governors’ Offices
- Alabama Power
- Georgia Power
- Southern Nuclear
Any serious emergency would generally develop over time. There would normally be plenty of time for you to be notified and take action.
For more information about the Plant Farley Emergency Plan, please call Plant Farley Emergency Preparedness at 334-661-2724.
Emergency Contact Information
Please call 205-257-2655 to hear updates throughout the duration of the event. will be updated with the latest information about the emergency. To report rumors during an emergency, residents are asked to please call 800-367-4020.
State and county 24-hour contact numbers:
Alabama Emergency Management Agency
205-280-2200 or 800-843-0699
Houston County Sheriff
334-677-4807 or 334-677-4808
Henry County Dispatch
Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency
800-879-4362 or 800-TRY-GEMA
Early County Sheriff
For questions about state and local emergency plans contact:
Alabama Emergency Management Agency | 205-280-2200 | 800-843-0699
Dothan/Houston County Emergency Management Agency | 334-794-9720
Henry County Emergency Management Agency | 334-585-6702
Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency | 800-879-4362 or 800-TRY-GEMA
Blakely/Early County Emergency Management Agency | 229-723-3029
For more information about the Plant Farley Emergency Plan, please call Plant Farley Emergency Preparedness at 334-661-2724.
Emergency Alert Stations
WOOF-AM 560 Dothan, Ala.
WOOF-FM 99.7 Dothan, Ala.
WOOF-AM does not normally broadcast at night, but would resume broadcasting within 15 minutes of an emergency.
WTVY-TV Channel 4 Dothan, Ala.
WDHN-TV Channel 18 Dothan, Ala.
Social Media
Alabama Power
Twitter: @alabamapower
Dothan/Houston County EMA
Twitter: @DHCEMA
False Alarms
A false alarm of the emergency sirens is possible because of lightning or other events. If you hear the emergency sirens and there is NO emergency information on an emergency alert station, then the alarm is probably false.
If this happens, please call the local emergency management agency office with any questions.
Evacuation Routes and Information
Evacuation routes will depend on weather conditions and will be announced on radio and television. There will be no need to rush, so obey posted speed limits.
Reception Center/Shelters for Alabama Residents
Houston County Farm Center
1701 E Cottonwood Road, Dothan, AL 36301
Houston County Farm Center: Go west on U.S. 84 or Alabama Highway 52 to Ross Clark Circle in Dothan. Then go south on Ross Clark Circle to the Houston County Farm Center, located at the intersection of Ross Clark Circle and Cottonwood Road (Alabama Highway 53).
If this center is not available, officials will direct you to an alternate location.
Reception Center/Shelter for Georgia Residents
Early County High School
12021 Columbia Street, Blakely, GA 39823
Early County High School gymnasium in Blakely, Georgia.: Go east to Highway 39. Then go north to Blakely, or take Highway 62 into Blakely.
Emergency Checklist
Emergency Planning Zone Map